pound site
First times are hard!
First times are hard! *
Putting yourself out there for the first time? Building your brand presence can feel overwhelming. What if you could do so with confidence and authenticity? Thousand Pound Site was born from an ambition to send you out in the world feeling professional, aligned, and most importantly, like you!
Explore packages
Explore packages *
Catering to all stages of biz, let’s find the right site for you!
For the newbie, the inspiring entrepreneur, the person ready to launch. The Side Hustle is designed to set you up with the perfect colours, font and feel to get you going. Whether you’ll be back for the Thousand Pound Site, or are excited to take over the reins on growing the site yourself, this package is ready to launch you into the world.
The Side Hustle includes:
Brand Consultation Call (discussing colours, fonts, imagery suggestion)Home page with up to three sections (for example Landing page / About / Contact)
NB: The Thousand Pound Site website is an example of The Side Hustle Package
Designed to send you into the world with a fully functioning, glorious site, this package will show you the power of aligned web design! Have the confidence to show up fully and professionally, knowing you are ready to share your magic with the world.
The Thousand Pound Site includes:Brand Consultation Call (discussing colours, fonts, imagery suggestion)
Up to 5 pages
For example:
Home page
About page
Contact page
Multiple or single service page
Bring on all the bells and whistles! If your universe is complete with all the glorious extras, The Established is for you! Showcase the full world of your business and take things to the ultimate next level.
The Established includes:Brand Consultation Call (discussing colours, fonts, imagery suggestion)
Up to 10 pages
For example:
Home page
About page
Contact page
Multiple or single service page
Blog set-up
Portfolio set-up